31 December 2005


Location : Fife Coastal Path, Near RAF Leuchars airbase, Fife, Scotland

30 December 2005


Location : RAF Leuchars Airbase, Fife Coastal Path, Fife, Scotland

29 December 2005

Reres Wood 2

Location : Reres Wood, Fife Coastal Path, Fife, Scotland

27 December 2005

St Andrews 2

Location : Tentsmuir Beach, Fife Coastal Path, Fife, Scotland

Herbs 05

Location : Reres Wood, Fife Coastal Path, Scotland

At the end of the Tentmuir beach, we are approaching the Reres Wood and RAF Leuchars. On the sides of the path, these strange plants were growing.

26 December 2005

Tentsmuir Bog

Location : Tentsmuir Beach, Fife Coastal Path, Fife, Scotland

25 December 2005

Reres Wood

Location : Tentsmuir Beach, Fife Coastal Path, Fife, Scotland

24 December 2005


Location : Between Tentsmuir Forest and Reres Wood, Fife Coastal Path, Fife, Scotland

23 December 2005

Tree 02

Location : Tentsmuir Beach, Fife Coastal Path, Scotland

22 December 2005

Tree 01

Location : Tentsmuir Beach, Fife Coastal Path, Scotland

21 December 2005

Tentsmuir Beach 3

Location : Tentsmuir Beach, Fife Coastal Path, Fife, Scotland

20 December 2005

Herbs 04

Location : Tentsmuir Beach, Fife Coastal Path, Scotland

On the dunes between the forest and the beach, these herbs are growing. This place is a little special too as on the beach there was a river runing parallel to the sea shore.

18 December 2005


Location : Tentmuir beach, Fife Coastal Path, Scotland

There is a large colony of seals north of St Andrews. The tide going down, it was possible to cross to their sand bank and look at them from closer. But they were easily frigthened. As soon as I was getting closer they were rushing to the water. I was stopping they were stopping.
Funny thing : they let the old and sick behind, in case I was hungry.

16 December 2005


Location : Tentsmuir Beach, Fife Coastal Path, Scotland

On the beach along the Tentsmuir Forest, on the way to reach the sand bank on which a colony of seals was quietly sunbathing.

Tentsmuir Beach 2

Location : Tentsmuir Beach, Fife Coastal Path, Fife, Scotland

The little black dots on the sand banks represent a seal colony of roughtly 150 individuals

15 December 2005

Tentsmuir Beach

Location : Tentsmuir Beach, Fife Coastal Path, Fife, Scotland

14 December 2005

Tentsmuir Natural Reserve

Location : Tentsmuir Natural Reserve, Fife Coastal Path, Fife, Scotland

13 December 2005


Location : Tentsmuir Natural Reserve, Fife Coastal Path, Fife, Scotland

12 December 2005

Tentsmuir Forest

Location : Tentsmuir Forest, Fife Coastal Path, Fife, Scotland

11 December 2005


Location : Tentsmuir Forest, Fife Coastal Path, Scotland

10 December 2005


Location : Firth of Tay, Fife Coastal Path, Scotland

Taken in Tentsmuir Forest, North of St Andrews, Scotland

09 December 2005


Location : Firth of Tay, Fife Coastal Path, Scotland

Many geese in the region, sometimes we can see them passing lower. By the way, the nice blue sky is not a rarity around St Andrews, we have it very very often.

08 December 2005

Swan in the Sunrise

Location : Newport upon Tay, Fife Coastal Path, Scotland

This was the starting point of a trip from Newport to Leuchars, by the beach along the Tentsmuir Forest.

07 December 2005

Windy Day in Crail

Location : Crail, Fife Coastal Path, Fife, Scotland

06 December 2005

Undercover Passage

Location : Crail, Fife, Scotland

05 December 2005

Grazing Sheep

Location : Kingsbarns-Crail, Fife Coastal Path, Fife, Scotland

03 December 2005


Location : Fife Ness, Fife Coastal Path, Fife, Scotland

Herbs 03

Location : Fife Ness, Fife Coastal Path, Scotland

Herbs 02

Location : Fife Ness, Fife Coastal Path, Scotland

02 December 2005

Battered Herbs

Location : Fife Ness, Fife Coastal Path, Fife, Scotland
Keywords : Herbs, Nature, Wind

01 December 2005

Isle of May

Location : Fife Ness, Kingsbarns-Crail, Fife Coastal Path, Fife, Scotland