30 April 2007

A Wee Burn

Location: St Monans, Fife, Scotland
Changes: Contrast, very heavily

29 April 2007


Location: Elie, Fife, Scotland
Changes: Contrast, very slightly

28 April 2007


Location: Khumogwai, St Andrews, Scotland
Changes: Contrast, very slighlty; blurring, very little

27 April 2007

Morning Light in Khumogwai's Toilets

Location: Khumogwai, St Andrews
Changes: Contrast, very little

26 April 2007

Du Lit

Location: Sukaldaritzabaïta, St Andrews
Changes: none

25 April 2007

Industrial Park

Location: Viaduct Walk, St Andrews, Fife
Changes: Contrast

24 April 2007


Location: Dune du Pyla, Arcachon, France
Changes: Contrast,

taken with an A200 Minolta

23 April 2007

Falaises de Sable

Location: Dune du Pyla, France
Changes: Contrast, blurring very little

22 April 2007

Sculpture de Sable

Location: Dune du Pyla, France
Changes: Contrast, blurring

21 April 2007

Not Titled 05

Location: Le Moulleau
Changes: Contrast, blurring

20 April 2007

Les Toilettes

Location: Le Moulleau
Changes: Contrast

19 April 2007

Le Drôle d'Eclat au Milieu du Mur

Location: Le Moulleau, France
Changes: Contrast, blurring a little

18 April 2007


Location: Le Moulleau, Arcachon, France
Changes: contrast, colour inversion

17 April 2007


Location: Le Moulleau
Changes: Contrast, slightly, bluring slightly

16 April 2007

Titleless 07

Location: Le Moulleau
Changes: Contrast, blurring

Apologies for the little interruption. I have been very busy finishing my masters' thesis before taking a few days of holidays on the Isle of Skye.

07 April 2007

Not Titled 04

Location: Le Moulleau, Arcachon, France
Changes: Contrast

06 April 2007

Titleless 06

Location: Le Moulleau, Arcachon, France
Changes: contrast

05 April 2007


Location: Le Moulleau, Arcachon, France
Changes: Contrast

04 April 2007

Not Titled 03

Location: Le Moulleau, Arcachon, France
Changes: Contrast

03 April 2007


Location: Le Moulleau, Arcachon, France
Changes: Contrast, slightly

02 April 2007


Location: Le Moulleau, France
Changes: Contrast, slightly

01 April 2007

Mask & Flower Pot

Location: Home, Angers, France
Changes: Contrast, blurring very little

This is the last of this series of photos. They were taken with my normal camera through the eyepiece of a much older piece of equipment, a camera dating form the start of the 20th century. Very heavy, and forced to take the photos looking from the top of the camera, it was not very easy to get very clear shots. It somehow helped creating an atmosphere and I was investigating this new way of taking photos. For this last shot, I used a stool to support the camera. Hence a much clearer shot.