27 February 2012

No Title 82 & 83

Location: idem
Changes: Contrast, little colour adjustment
Camera: DMC-LX3

No Title 81

Location: idem
Changes: Contrast, some colour adjustment
Camera: DMC-LX3

Chilean Desert 155

Location: By the dorms, la Silla
Changes: Contrast, tiny colour adjustments
Camera: DMC-LX3

a few hours after 153

26 February 2012

Chilean Desert 154

Location: by the hotel
Changes: Contrast
Camera: DMC-LX3

Chilean Desert 153

Location: La Silla
Changes: Contrast
Camera: DMC-LX3

Sea of Clouds at La Silla

Location: La Silla
Changes: Contrast, little colour adjustment, stitching of three photos using Hugin
Camera: DMC-LX3

25 February 2012

Chilean Desert 152

Location: idem
Changes: Contrast, four photos stitched with Hugin
Camera: DMC-LX3

Clouds & Clouds

Location: Swiss Telescope
Changes: Contrast, noise removal
Camera: DMC-LX3

24 February 2012

Light from La Serena

Location: by the Ritz, la Silla
Changes: Contrast, small colour adjustment, wavelet noise treatment
Camera: DMC-LX3

a few hours later, once the galactic plane tilted over.
La Serena is 100 km away, and has laws forcing the use of astronomically friendly lighting. and still!

Galactic Centre

Location: Swiss Telescope, La Silla
Changes: Contrast, small colour adjustment, noise removal using wavelets
Camera: DMC-LX3

a moonless night.

23 February 2012

Access Road 9

Location: climbing the saddle
Changes: Contrast
Camera: DMC-LX3

Observatorio La Silla

Location: Access road to La Silla
Changes: Contrast, small colour adjustments
Camera: DMC-LX3

Beware of the train

Location: Access road to La Silla
Changes: Contrast
Camera: same

22 February 2012

Access Road 8

Location: on the access road
Changes: Contrast, some colour adjustments
Camera: DMC-LX3

can you spot La Silla?

Ruta 5 14

Location: Ruta 5, past Incahuasi
Changes: only contrast
Camera: DMC-LX3

21 February 2012

Chilean Desert 151

Location: Ruta 5, past la Higuera
Changes: Contrast, little colour adjustments
Camera: DMC-LX3

The Desert is Green!

Location: Ruta 5
Changes: Contras, slight colour adjustments
Camera: idem

yes, it can be (in July, during la niña)

Ruta 5 13

Location: Ruta 5, cerca los Hornos, Chile
Changes: Contrast, slight colour adjustments
Camera: DMC-LX3

17 February 2012

Côté Suisse

Location: Simplon
Changes: contrast, small colour adjustment
Camera: DMC-LX3

Par le Simplon

Location: proche du col du Simplon, Suisse
Changes: slight colour adjustment
Camera: DMC-LX3

16 February 2012

Not Titled 79

Location: Geysir, Iceland
Changes: Contrast
Camera: DMC-LX3

15 February 2012

Íslands 37

Location: not long after
Changes: Contrast, slight colour adjustment
Camera: DMC-LX3


Location:on the road back to Reykjavík
Changes: contrast, a few colour adjustments
Camera: DMC-LX3

05 February 2012

Íslands 36

Location: about the same
Changes: Contrast, a few colour adjustments
Camera: same

On the Ring Road

Location: ring road, return journey
Changes: Contrast, little colour adjustments
Camera: LX3-DMC

Íslands 35

Location: ring road, getting close to Vík
Changes: Contrast, some colour adjustments
Camera: same

03 February 2012

To the rear

Location: ring road
Changes: Contrast, some colour adjustments
Camera: same

Skógarfoss 03

location: same
Changes: little bit on contrast, and one small colour adjustment
camera: idem